6 Mistakes to Avoid When Moving With Children

By Alisha

Relocating brings enough stress for busy families before factoring in the unique needs of children. Kids – especially young ones – require extra care and preparation when uprooting their routines and surroundings. Avoid compounding matters by sidestepping these common pitfalls parents face when coordinating moves with their little ones.

Mistake #1: Not Giving Them Sufficient Notice

Children become attached to friends, teachers, neighborhoods and homes. They need time to process upcoming changes and proper farewells. Break news of an impending move too abruptly, and kids feel startled or overwhelmed. Begin discussing the transition and involving them in plans early on. Take them to see the new home and neighborhood in advance helping ease anxiety.

Mistake #2: Underestimating Their Possessions

Children accumulate extensive belongings, from countless outfits and toys to bulky gear (bikes, sports equipment, etc.) Give ample time to sort through rooms decluttering items. This prevents overwhelming days constantly packing as moving day nears. Take stock of bigger items needing disassembly or special transport early as well.

Mistake #3: Not Letting Them Contribute

Moving upends children’s sense of control. Restoring some empowerment keeps them positively engaged in the process. Openly discuss timelines and milestones. Allow them to decorate their own moving boxes and help choose favorites to keep accessible during the move for comfort.

Mistake #4: Disregarding Sufficient Supplies

Failing to keep kids constructively busy during chaotic packing weekends invites trouble. Stock up on activity books, reading materials, crafts and games to fill idle time. Portable storage with their preferred items prevents boredom in transition. Prepare extra snacks, water bottles and chargers to preempt complaints.

Mistake #5: Not Securing Proper Child Transport

Scrambling to arrange age-appropriate vehicles adds last-minute chaos. Young ones require secured car seats by law, usually in separate transport from trucks carrying family possessions. Clarify needs securing suitable child transportation beforehand.

Mistake #6: Skipping Re-Enrollment Formalities

Amid closing tasks on homes, parents often overlook contacting new schools and registering kids until the final days. Prioritize signing them up early at desired institutions to avoid limited choices later. forwarding medical/academic records right away as well.

By sidestepping issues frequently encountered when relocating with children, families mitigate unnecessary chaos and worries. Specialized movers in Dubai like Middle East Movers assist parents in keeping kids content before, during and after moves with tailored planning. Our seasoned experts help orchestrate smooth transitions from start to finish.

Why Choose Professional Movers When Relocating Kids

Attempting tangled moves alone while keeping children happy poses big challenges. Trusted movers alleviate stresses by:

Handling the Heavy Lifting – Literally. Eliminate wrecks transporting bulky beds or toys yourself. Our trained crews carefully load even delicate items using right techniques and tools.

Extra Pairs of Eyes – Our staff help monitor children playing on moving days, so parents finish essentials without constant vigilance against mishaps.

Prompt Delivery – We expedite arrival of favorite items kids miss most (toys, clothing, gear) first during unpacking for comforting familiarity.

Child-Friendly Teams – Background-checked workers create safe environments for families and interact appropriately with kids of all ages as we pack.

How Middle East Movers Keeps Families First

Our customized planning considers children’s needs at each phase, integrating accommodations proactively:

Child Liaisons

We designate staff devoted to solely overseeing kids’ wellbeing and engagement needs throughout packing and moving.

Youth-Oriented Storage

We supply multi-sized storage cases allowing parents to separate vital necessities staying with children in transit from longer-term household goods.

Priority Transport Vehicles

Securing fitting car seats, proper child vehicles occurs immediately when booking moves to guarantee safety and compliance.

Extra Protection Materials

We utilize thicker wrapping, soft edges and cushioning materials tailored to safeguarding children’s breakables they wish to travel with for additional comfort.

Designated Play Zones

Our teams demarcate separate spaces for kids to safely occupy themselves with toys and activities during packing days. This also designates off-limits areas near trucks or equipments.

How Families Can Prepare Kids for Moving Day

  1. Make Farewell Rounds – Have children say proper goodbyes to extended family, friends and teachers. Capture photos with them as keepsakes. Ask administrators to forward school records.
  2. Talk It Through – Encourage kids to openly discuss concerns, excitement and suggestions. Give honest answers about what to expect before, during and after move.
  3. Engage Their Input – Reading relocation books together and having kids make their own photo idea books about what they would like to do in the new neighborhood helps them feel included.
  4. Let Them Curate Keepsakes – Have children decide on their “must moves with me” box filled with beloved toys, drawings or other items not packed away to travel alongside them.
  5. Conduct Site Visits – If possible, make a trip to walk through their new bedroom, school and neighborhood beforehand to offset unknowns.

With diligent collaboration securing proper arrangements for children alongside valuables, specialized movers like Middle East Movers alleviate the headaches parents most dread about moving. We leverage decades helping regional and overseas families transfer smoothly from start to finish.

To learn more about our family-focused services, contact our experts today!

Website: middleastmovers.com Email: farooqmalik33@gmail.com Phone: +971 52 386 2670

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